What Many Children Do In Language
Toddlers | 18 to 24 months | Toddlers put two or more words together to make short sentences like "want juice" or "car go." Toddlers learn new words quickly. They can copy adult sounds, words, and motions. Toddlers ask and answer simple questions. They can use crayons and markers for scribbling. | If your 20-month-old cannot follow simple request, such as, "Come to Daddy." If your 24-month-old does not use two words together. |
24 to 36 months | Older toddlers listen to stories being read. They like to play pretend games. They love asking "why" questions. They use "no" and "not" a lot. Toddlers enjoy looking at picture books, turning pages, and naming objects they see. Their scribbling is becoming more like writing. | If your 2-year-old does not ask questions or respond to simple questions with "yes" or "no." | |
Preschoolers | 3 to 4 years | Young preschoolers make comments and requests, and tell others what to do. They can talk about things that happened and make up stories. They listen attentively to stories and retell stories themselves. They enjoy books that tell about real things as well as make-believe. They may revert to toddler behavior when feeling upset or shy. They make shapes such as circles and squares and pretend to write the way they have seen adults write. | If your 3-to-4-year-old does not use language freely, experiment with verbal sounds, and begin to use language to solve problems and learn concepts. |
4 to 5 years | Preschoolers know the names and sex of family members and other personal information. They play with words and make up silly words and stories. They are beginning to draw figures that represent people, animals, and objects. They understand that pictures, numbers, words, and letters are symbols of real things and ideas. They "write" as a way to tell stories and offer information. They enjoy "reading" on their own. They may recognize a few words such as their name or words on signs. | If your child is embarrassed and disturbed by his or speech, or if you or your child's caregiver have concerns about your child's language skills. |
Remember, every child is different and the development may vary. :)
source: http://www.kidsource.com/Kidsource/content4/growth.chart/page1.html
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