Thursday, December 9, 2010

I can touch

Module One: Myself 
Week Five: I Can Touch
   Khalifah theme: Thank You Allah I Can Touch
   Date: 4th December 2010

Alhamdulillah, we have had our week 5 session last week. The theme was My Sense of Touch where the kids learnt about the touching and feeling. 

Kids were also reminded about the two hands that Allah had given us to touch and feel the things around us. So we must always thank Allah for giving us hands.

During circle time, teacher wawa brought some textures cube to be touched and felt. They got to differentiate smooth or rough, big or small.

For arts and craft, the kids made their own catterpillar. Some made long catterpillar, while the other made short ones. Some even made hidden catterpillar. They sure had fun doing it. 

The best part of the day was the parachute play. Everybody was excited when teacher wawa asked them to guess what was in the bag, and none got it correct. I bet if they were given an option, they would choose parachute play in every session. 


Insya Allah, this Saturday we will explore on Sound. Don't miss the fun!

Teacher wawa can't wait to meet you all again, young caliph.

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